Saturday, December 26, 2009

MD/8 I completed my first semester of medical school and can consider myself to be .125MD or one-eighth of an MD – that means if you come to me with eight diseases, I can only treat one of them. As I emerge from my medical cave into society, people often ask me the "how did it go?" question, which always catches me off guard. (“err… ok, I guess?” “It’s over.” “I didn’t die from studying too hard.”). Frankly, the semester went by in a blur. It flew from August to December, and I barely remember what happened in between.

For winter break, I emerged from my medical cave and we are on our way in a car from Michigan to the West Coast and back to New York to start the next semester. After my emergence, people also approach me for medical advice. Sometimes I can answer the question; sometimes I can’t (maybe I can only answer one-eighth of the questions I am asked?).

It’s a new experience that I think every professional student encounters. My friends in law school are experiencing the same types of almost-rhetorical questions. Though I sometimes feel overwhelmed with the required knowledge base to answer those questions, I appreciate the trust my friends and family place in me to listen to and address their concerns. It consistently reminds me how much I need to learn and of my changing position in society. Get ready, WolverineDoc.

Now, WolverineDoc must experience the wonders of the American West via car.

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