Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sharing is caring

I hated other pre-meds in undergrad. Why? All the competition drove me insane!

At The University of Michigan exists a pre-med sub-culture filled with one-ups, let downs, weeding out, gunnering, competition to the extreme. Many colleges with a large number of pre-med students (Berkley, Northwestern, UTexas, The Ivy Leagues) are blessed with this sadomasochistic sub-culture, some worse than Michigan’s, sadly.

Hence, I avoided the chaos with English, Sociology, and Psychology majors. Instead of discussing how to cheat the med school admissions process, we spoke of social justice, race, literature, music, etc. It kept me sane for five years.

I even chose my current medical school because our tour guides affirmed the “chillness" of the atmosphere here. People worked together, shared notes, loved each other, didn’t care much about who gets honors, etc. (I realize these musings are naive, but work with me here.)

Now, I’m noticing competition in the air. Everyone studies by themselves or in hermetically tight clicks. People talk of getting better quiz grades than others. Classmates hold back in lecture or small group because they don’t want to sound stupid. Though these are normal behaviors or any class in the first month, it can easily go in the wrong, competitive direction, which make me nervous. So, to subside it, I’ve decided to share my lecture notes.

Small move, I know, but I hope it encourages others to share information with each other and work together without the fear of being wrong or sounding stupid. I sent my plasma membrane notes a few days ago, and soon a typed, organized outline on lipids will reside in everyone’s mailbox.

I hope it works. Let’s see. Now on to the wonders of protein folding.

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