I love the city – not because I like to gamble or shop, but because I like to observe. Next time you visit, notice how each resort, restaurant, store tries to lure you into their depths. Posters of show girls, comedians, even Donnie and Marie cover whole buildings. Pedestrian bridges, thought for safe travel down the strip, merely guide you directly into the next casino or mall. One casino had an escalator into the building without an escalator leading out. Some hotels offer free parking (!!!), yet after parking they take you through the casino to access the street – more temptations to gamble. Hey, you get what you pay for.
Once you’re inside one of the casinos (its unavoidable), look up. The ceiling always looks miraculous with mirrors, fancy gold trim, chandeliers, etc. In Paris, they paint fluffy, bright, French clouds that stay bright for 24 hours. You can gamble your money away at 4am and still think it’s 4pm if you wanted to. Look closely and you’ll see vents that supply oxygen to keep the gamblers energized.
This, my friends, is pure genius. Viva Las Vegas! On with the trip!
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